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Looking for a great book or a documentary, better yet a movie all about Hip Hops Graffiti writing culture.

Below and behold there is a list of dope movies that will make you feel immersed in letters.

Documentaries that take you through the history of the subcultures,
dropping you off in the ’70s and ’80s at the beginning of it all.Flipping your fingers in pages of must need books, that brings you across the world or to your local neighborhood writer.

passport to Hip Hop COTC

By partnering with Credible Messengers of Florida, we have programming centered around empowering youth to combat the school to prison pipeline by teaching them conflict resolution skills and giving them a responsive community of mentors that understand their plights.

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BBaby Sneaker

Suppose Ballet starts at two years old; why not Hip Hop dance style of Breaking!

The Bbaby Teacher Certification revolutionizes how to dance educators teach Hip Hop dance

in the US.

Learn more and get certified here.

Bbaby Company Logo
COTC Coloring Page

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